
Showing posts from March, 2011

Rtree Python related posts

Installing RebbitMQ on Mac

Mac OS X with Homebrew A brew for the RabbitMQ server is available from  Homebrew .  Note:  You may not be able to install the RabbitMQ brew from inside a firewall. Install the Server Before installing make sure you have the latest brews: brew update Then, install RabbitMQ server with: brew install rabbitmq Run RabbitMQ Server The RabbitMQ server scripts are installed into  /usr/local/sbin . This is not automatically added to your path, so you may wish to add PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin  to your  .bash_profile  or  .profile . The server can then be started with  rabbitmq-server . All scripts run under your own user account. Sudo is not required.

Changing you Mac's hostname

To check your curent host name type: $ hostname To change the host name type: $ sudo scutil --set HostName lol.local

MYSQL Python wrapper nice tute for my sql python wrapper.

MySQL Mac and Python

I used MySQL dmg file to install MySQl and then the installation of python-mysqldb started failing. This is beacuse mac installation of mysql puts the config file in a non standard folder. Two ways to go about it. Either install mysql from source or use the tip on:

[DRAFT] Installing and Deploying Celery on a Production Machine

This tutorial is not to teach you how to use celery, but a guide to deploying celery. I assume you have made a celery app and are familiar with the basics. The $ sign used here is to represent the command prompt and some of the commands might fail because of permission errors. I would suggest running them as sudo i.e by adding a "sudo" before them. Step 1: install celery $ easy_install Celery or if you have pip installed $ pip install Celery Step 2: Then put your python project in the a folder. I put mine in /opt/Myproject/ The project should have your celery configuration file "" and the project files that your config refers to. Step 3: At this stage you should $cd /opt/Myproject/ to the project folder and try out celery using the terminal. $celeryd you can define your options in the config file. For launch time options like starting celerybeat use $celeryd --help Step 4: If every thing is working fine you can start with deploying celery. Get the gen...