Designing for the Color Blind
via: other sources: Designing maps for the colour-vision impaired Bernhard Jenny and Nathaniel Vaughn Kelso Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers SoC, 41, p. 9-12, 2007. Low resolution PDF (174 KB) Color Design for the Color Vision Impaired Bernhard Jenny and Nathaniel Vaughn Kelso Cartographic Perspectives, 58, p. 61-67, 2007. Low resolution for screen reading (706 KB) High resolution for print (20.3 MB) Visual Disabilities Color-blindness You are here: Home > Articles > Visual Disabilities > Page 4: Color-blindness Article Contents Page 1: Introduction Page 2: Blindness Page 3: Low Vision Current page: Page 4: Color-blindness Types of Color-blindness Red-green deficiencies Other deficiencies Designing for Color-blindness Key Concepts Types of Color-blindness Before getting into the details of the types of color-blindnes...