TensorFlow: saving/restoring and mixing multiple models
Via: https://blog.metaflow.fr/tensorflow-saving-restoring-and-mixing-multiple-models-c4c94d5d7125 TensorFlow: saving/restoring and mixing multiple models Before going any further, make sure you read the very small primer i made on Tensorflow here Why start with those informations? Because, it is of tremendous importance to understand what can be saved at the different level of your code to avoid messing around cluelessly… How to actually save and load something The saver object Any interactions with your filesystem to have persistent data through different sessions can be handled with the Saver object. The constructor allows you to control 3 things: The target : This is used in case of a distributed architecture to handle computation. You can specify which TF server or ‘target’ you want to compute on. The graph: the graph you want the Session to handle. The tricky things here for beginners, is the fact tha...